jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015


PRECIPITATION: Today, I woke up and I’ve realize that in the wet climate exists a gradient very noticeable of precipitation that goes from the East to the West, and reach the minimum in the foothill of the Andean. The zone with more precipitation is Nequen, where it can reach to 3.000 mm a year. In the dry climate, rainfall is below 500 mm per year. The barrier effect of the Andean mountains raises rainfall as they ascend. In the dry climate of the middle latitudes the rainfall fall below 300 mm per year.

VEGETATION: Today i’ve noticed that in this part of argentina are araucarias forests, cedars and ferns. I think that we are in the north because in the south grows up more plants like cactus or hard leaf plants to survive the dry conditions. An argentina typical plant is “mate”.

POPULATION: Today I read in the newspaper a fact that has caught my attention explaining that  Argentina has just over 40.3 million inhabitants. The greatest population density is in the Capital Federal while the lowest is in Santa Cruz.

TEMPERATURE: This month I have noticed that  Argentina’s climate is very diverse, from deep deserts, tropical forests, and even Antarctic glaciers. Annual average is 19ºC but now there are 26ºC because it's summer here. Predominate temperate climates. There are wetlands and arid or semi-arid zones.

LOCATION AND FLAG: I bought a map and I see that Argentina is located in the south West of south of America near Chile.
When I bought Messi’ s T-Shirt I have seen that the flag is composed of two bands of blue and white in the middle, what I most liked is the sun center with a drawn face.

INFORMATION: If Argentina were my home instead of Spain I would…
be 71.48% less likely to be unemployed
be 11.7 times more likely to be murdered
be 3 times more likely to die in infancy
make 38.21% less money
die 3.96 years sooner
spend 64.55% less money on health care
use 50.63% less electricity
consume 45.52% less oil
experience 43.12% more of a class divide
be 9.22% more likely to be in prision
be equally likely to have HIV
have 70.85% more babies


PRECIPITATION: During the day, I’ve observed that the zonal weather is rainy equatorial. The rainy season runs from November to March. Rainfall is more abundant during the southern summer, and the amount tend to decrease from north to south.The northern areas of the Amazon plains have a tropical climate have high rainfall. The mountains are humid and rainy. The Highlands rains are scarce in most of the territory, but the mountains introduce important changes.

VEGETATION:  reading a book about the vegetation of bolivia i saw that there are the 30 and 40% of the world’s biodiversity. There are a great number of endemic species found in the alps. Also puts that this vegetation is not altered by human activity.

POPULATION:  When I was listening to the radio in the car I heard that Bolivia has about 9,300,000 inhabitants, It has a very high growth rate (1.42% annual).In the last fifty years the Bolivian population has tripled, exceeding growth rates above 2% per year, in spite of a migration balance of -1.18 ‰.

TEMPERATURE: I loved visiting Bolivia. Only ten kilometers from La Paz, Bolivia presents a spectacular landscape. Erosion on top of a mountain of clay models a masterpiece dubbed Moon Valley. It was a great experience, I will never forget. In Bolivia, the average temperature is 30 ° C all year.

LOCATION AND FLAG:one friend of bolivia told me that Bolivia is located in the middle east of south america, I couldn’t see the flag, but this friend said me that it has got three bands, in the top is red, the other band is in the middle, it’s yellow and the last is in the bottom this is green.

INFORMATION: If Bolivia were my home instead of Spain I would…
die 12.92 years sooner
be 11.6 times more likely to die in infancy
be 20.2 times more likely to be murdered
be 71.6% less likely to be unemployed
make 81.73% less money
spend 94.7% less money on health care
use 87.51% less electricity
consume 82.07% less oik
experience 46.88% more of a class divide
be 4.96% less likely to be in prison
be 25% less likely to have HIV
have 2.4 times more babies


PRECIPITATION: I took some time here and I've noticed that one of the dominant climate in Brazil is the rainy equatorial climate. Brazil, in general, is a very rainy country. The rainy season depends on the region, as the country extends to the  north and south of the Ecuador, although most of the territory is in the southern hemisphere. In the north from January to April, to the northeast from April to July, and in the south from November to March. The Atlantic coast is the wettest. Mesetarias depressions in the Northeast, precipitation become irregular and heavy.

VEGETATION:  in Brazil we can find the Amazon forest. Amazon forest ocuppies 38’5% of the territory. More vegetation we can find are large trees of about 60-65 meters. These trees have many leaves which almost do not let pass the sunlight. Because of this  you can find an humit forest. Then we can find the tropical forest which extends along the entire coast and the Southeast. Here the main species are: ipês (red, white, yellow), imbaúba, palm, cinnamon and cedar)

POPULATION: I read in an article that  Brazil has about 184 million inhabitants, This is a very young population in which over 20% is under 15 years, 75% between 15 and 65 and 5% over 65 years.
The mortality rate is low (6.5 ‰), but the infant mortality rate soars to 30 ‰. Life expectancy at birth is about 70 years. With these data we can say that Brazil is about to leave the cycle of demographic transition.

TEMPERATURE: Here in Brazil, temperatures are warm all year. Tights vary between 19 and 27 ° C. The north is hotter than the south. In carnival I wore a underground frog costume and I was hot. Between São Francisco River Valley and northern Minas Gerais average temperatures are around 27 ° C, with annual temperature ranges of 5 ° C.

LOCATION AND FLAG: when is was in the plane to Brazil and could see a map of Brazil i see that Brazil is in the north east of south america. The flag of this country is very beautiful, I have been able to observe that is so famous because of football (soccer). The bottom of this flag is green ,over has a yellow diamond and  has a ball with a blue world too , which has a white band.

INFORMATION: If Brazil were my home instead of Spain I would…
be 44.2 times more likely to be murdered
die 8.19 years sooner
be 5.8 times more likely to die in infancy
be 78.33% less likely to be unemployed
make 59.8% less money
be 2 times more likely to be in prison
spend 62.37% less money on health care
experience 62.19% more of a class divide
use 57% less electricity
consume 55.86% less oil
have 48.99% more babies


PRECIPITATION: I read a magazine that told me that the rain starts in early May and runs through the end of November. In the central valley, rainfall varies from 900 mm in the central sector to over 3,000 in the mountains. The north Pacific presents a rainy season from May to October, with maximum rainfall in June, September and October. In the central Pacific the average amount rainfalls  varies between 3,624 mm per year on the coast, 6,664 mm in the middle altitudes and 2,112 mm in the highest areas. The most rainy month is October. In the north Zone we can appreciate a minimum of precipitation occur from January to April. While in the plains the average is 2,612 mm in the mountainous areas is greater than 3.992 mm. In the Caribbean slope, this region is considerably rainy.

VEGETATION:  Costa Rica it’s one of my favourite places in the world. It has rich reserves of ebony, balsa, mahogany and cedar, as well as oak, cypress, mangroves, ferns, Guaco, kapok trees and palms. It has more than 1,000 species of orchids.

POPULATION:  Here in Costa Rica are just over 4,000,000 inhabitants. Most (87%) is Creole, descendants of the Spaniards who colonized the country. The black population of Costa Rica (about 2%) are descendants of Jamaicans living in the province of Limon. There is a 7% of mestizos and also zambas communities. The Indigenous are very few, about 64,000

TEMPERATURE: Costa Rica has a diverse and varied climate. In Costa Rica the average annual temperature is between 21 and 27 degrees. In the Central Valley with San Jose I enjoyed the best climate in the country as the average temperature is 22 degrees.

LOCATION AND FLAG: when I walked into a souvenir shop I saw on the cover of a puzzle that Costa Rica is at the center of America. Reading a book I observed that the flag of Costa Rica the information says that the blue and white are the original colors used by the United Provinces of Central America, while the combined red, white and blue are modeled after the colors of the French Tricolore.

INFORMATION: If Costa Rica were my home instead of Spain I would…
be 69.96% less likely to be unemployed
be 14 times more likely to be murdered
make 57.14% less money
be 2.5 times more likely to be in prison
be 2.6 times more likely to die in infancy
die 3.24 years sooner
spend 66.14% less money on health care
use 65.7% less electricity
consume 63.45% less oil
experience 57.19% more of a class divide
be 25% less likely to have HIV
have 62.75% more babies


PRECIPITATION: A few days ago I watched a documentary about the precipitation of Guatemala and in the Northern Plains and the Northern Transversal Strip
are a rainy area throughout the year, with peaks between June and October. The plateau and the highlands, in this region the rains are significantly reduced, most of the rain is obtained from May to October. In the other months the rains are scarce. In the piedmont the rains are very abundant, and reach the highest levels in the country, rainfall is between June and September. In the Pacific coastal plain, rain drops significantly as we approach the coast. Finally, in the eastern zone, rain is scarce for most of the year.

VEGETATION: The soil, very fertile, is the most important resource of Guatemala, which is basically an agricultural and cattle country. Forests cover 36.2% of the country. In mountainous regions dominated by oaks at lower altitudes, giving way to the pine forests from 2,135 meters. Orchids (see Catleya) and other exotic flowers grow in abundance throughout the country.

POPULATION:  My grandfather tolds me that Guatemala has approximately 13 million people. The population is very unevenly distributed.It can be divided into 3 types: the clay, the most fertile; sandy and rocky.
70% of the population lives in the "highlands. Unlike other Latin American countries in Guatemala are mostly descendants of indigenous, mainly Mayan, representing up to 55% of the population. Mestizos and Creoles are 39%, and together are known as ladinos

TEMPERATURE: Here in Guatemala the weather is cool during the day and cold at night. One morning when I woke up in the bed of my hotel near the Tikal, I felt warm. I enjoyed going to the Atitlan Lake to refresh me. My family live there and I like visit Guatemala!

LOCATION AND FLAG: Guatemala is also located in Central America but is closer to North America than in South. The Guatemala ’s family of Joseph explain me that the blue and white are the original colors used by the United Provinces of Central America like costa rica . The coat of arm centered on white was adopted in 1968 and features the quetzal bird, a symbol of liberty, perched on the Declaration of Independence.

If Guatemala were your home instead of Spain you would...

be 57.7 times more likely to be murdered
die 9.73 years sooner
be 7.1 times more likely to die in infancy
be 84.41% less likely to be unemployed
make 82.39% less money
spend 91.96% less money on health care
use 89.35% less electricity
consume 81.03% less oil
experience 72.19% more of a class divide
be 17.73% less likely to be in prison
be 75% more likely to have HIV/AIDS
have 2.6 times more babies


PRECIPITATION: I’ve searched in the internet some information about the precipitations in Cuba, the rainy season runs from May to October and is especially strong in the months of September and October. Given its geographical location, Cuba is affected by tropical storms between June 1 and November 30. Roughly coincides with the rainy season. The rains have an annual average of 1,200 mm.

VEGETATION: Seeing photos of Cuba i’ve realized that here dominate the Savannah. It can be divided into 3 types: the clay, the most fertile; sandy and rocky. Cuba has been posted to 8,000 plant species. The endemic species represent 43% of all terrestrial species. Right from the time of Columbus is considered Cuba as an ecological paradise.

POPULATION: I've investigated that Cuba has about 11,400,000 inhabitants, representing a population density of 103 h / km². It is a multiracial society with a predominantly white population (65%), the trend of increasing mestizo (mulatto) of Spanish and African origin.

TEMPERATURE: Cuba has very stable temperatures and receives the refreshing action of tradewinds and sea breezes. Thanks to this weather we enjoyed going to the beach. Olivia's family has a house next to a beach and let us stay for a while. We enjoyed the weather.

LOCATION AND FLAG: Cuba, like Costa Rica and Guatemala ,is in Central America, this country (island) is below Florida and next to Mexico. I saw millions of Cuba’s flags when we were visiting it and had the blue and white are the original colors used by the United Provinces of Central America like costa rica and Guatemala .The red triangle is from the Masonic symbol for equality. La Estrella Solitaria, or the white Lone Star, is centered on the red triangle.


If Cuba were your home instead of Spain you would...

be 83.65% less likely to be unemployed
be 7.8 times more likely to be murdered
be 3.6 times more likely to be in prison
make 66.11% less money
die 3.25 years sooner
spend 80.12% less money on health care
use 76.41% less electricity
consume 53.1% less oil
be 41.14% more likely to die in infancy
be 75% less likely to have HIV/AIDS
have 0.2% more babies


PRECIPITATION: I asked my teacher about the precipitation in Florida and he said to me that there’s rainfall throughout the year in Florida. Even the driest month still has a lot of rain. In summer, there’s also very frequent torrential rains and storms. The difference in precipitation between the driest month and the wettest month is 29 mm.

VEGETATION: About 35% of the state's area is forested, generally formed of yellow pine, cypress and tropical trees such as coconut, magnolia, satinwood, wild orange and palm; include hardwood forests, prairies, cypress swamps and mangroves.

POPULATION: Florida currently has a population of 19,317,568. It is the fourth most populous state with 170.304 square kilometers, is the twenty second state by area.

TEMPERATURE: Miami's climate is subtropical, with mild winters and hot summers. Miami minimum annual average temperature is about 20 ° C, while the maximum average is 29ºC.

LOCATION AND FLAG: Florida is in North America, is one of the closest countries to Central America. Thanks to a history book Flags of USA that I bought me here, I have seen that the flag of florida consisted only Florida Seal on a white background. The presence of the red cross is not due to a change in the flag of the Confederate States of America as is commonly believed, but that is because the Cross of Burgundy or St. Andrew's Cross was national flag of Spain in the time of his empire, which belonged to the territory of Florida for nearly three centuries.


PRECIPITATION: I’ve discovered that Hawaii is one of the greenest places on Earth thanks to the rains. Every day it rains somewhere on the islands and is common to see drizzles while the sun shines brightly. The volcanic crater of Mount Waialeale on the island of Kauai receives an average of 1,234 cm of rainfall per year and is considered the wettest place on earth! In contrast, there are some places in the islands that are 15.2cm or less of annual rainfall. On the islands it is very common rain in the form of mist.

VEGETATION: in Hawaii we can find a lot of flowers like: Popo Hau, Dwarf Pittosporum, Kokutan, hibisco púrpura, Rosa de Sharon, Gardenias, Pentas, Dominica Bell, Serissa, Anthurium, Aechmea, fibras de piña, Heart of Flame, Aves del Paraíso.

POPULATION: I heard an interesting curiosity...Hawaii It is the latest of the fifty states of the United States (since 21 August 1959). The state has a million permanent residents, plus occasional visitors and staff of the US Army.

TEMPERATURE: The proximity of Hawaii with Ecuador makes the islands remain warm all year. The average summer temperature is around 30 degrees and in winter is about 25 °.

LOCATION AND FLAG: Hawaii is an archipelago, consists of nineteen islands and atolls, like Honolulu, Lahaina, Lihue ect. It is located in North America, but is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, is the farthest state of U.S.A. Thanks to a history book Flags USA I've bought in florida, I saw that the Ka Hae Hawai'i is the official flag that symbolizes the state of Hawaii as a kingdom, protectorate, republic, territory and US state. The Ka Hae Hawai'i is the only flag in the United States representing different forms of government and the only one with the flag of the United Kingdom.


PRECIPITATION: The only thing that I’ve learned when I’ve been to Las Vegas, was that Most of the state receives an average of four inches (10 cm) of annual precipitation.

VEGETATION: About 35% of the state's area is forested, generally formed of yellow pine, cypress and tropical trees such as coconut, magnolia, satinwood, wild orange and palm; include hardwood forests, prairies, cypress swamps and mangroves.

POPULATION: Las Vegas is the state of Nevada, in the United States' largest city. Recent studies put the population of the metropolitan area around 1,951,269. It is estimated that it is common around it has the same number of tourists during holiday season people

TEMPERATURE: Las Vegas is a desert climate. The average annual temperature in Las Vegas is 18.8 ° C. We enjoyed the climate.

LOCATION AND FLAG: Las Vegas is in Nevada, in the north west of South America, in the middle of Arizona and California.Las Vegas hasn’t got flag, but which  symbolizes him is the nevada’s flag.A childhood friend who is now a soldier here, told me that the flag has a blue background and a silver star in the upper left corner, rodeda by the state name. Above it we find a ribbon with the words "Battle Born", referring to Nevada became a state during the American Civil War


PRECIPITATION: My aunt that lives in California said to me that there are higher amounts of rainfall to the south and the rainiest parts of the state are the western slopes of the mountains. Northwestern California has a temperate climate with a rainfall of 15 inches (380 mm) to 50 inches (1300 mm) per year. Some areas of the coast Redwood forest receive over 100 inches (2500 mm) of precipitation per year. The Central Valley has a wide range of rainfall.

VEGETATION: The climate in California is a great variety, although it is essentially subtropical. No other state in the North American country to have reached the variety of plants possessing California; approximately 40% of the species that can be found in the United States are native to California. The most common varieties of trees are the redwoods, Douglas fir and ponderosa pine. Often you find green meadows and extensions, which are replaced in the interior, and other evergreen dwarf shrubs that resist long periods of drought.

POPULATION: It has become the most populous US state, since it has a population of over 38 million inhabitants and is the third at greater length (after Alaska and Texas).

TEMPERATURE: The climate in California is semitropical along the southern coast with arid deserts in most of the south and east extremities. In the North prevails a very pleasant temperature with colder climates

LOCATION AND FLAG: California is a state, is divided in Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego. Its location is the same as that of Las Vegas in the south west of north america. Thanks to the idea of olivia going to visit a museum, I saw up close that the flag of california is composed of a white palm tree and a moon of the same color with a blue background.


PRECIPITATION: Last week I’ve heard in a TV show that the city receives 1,260mm of rain annually, which is sparseness throughout the year.

VEGETATION: The main crops that we can find are cereals, potatoes and horticultural products. Also we can find the Cristal jungle.

POPULATION: My best friend lives there and told me that ...the city of New York is among the largest and most populous urban agglomerations in the world. With more than 8.4 million New Yorkers in an urban area of 830 square kilometers (320 square miles).

TEMPERATURE: The weather in New York is very extreme. Winter is very cold January and February being the months in which temperatures are lower, reaching up to -10 ° C and with frequent snowfall. In summer the temperature is very hot sometimes exceeding 35 ° C.

LOCATION AND FLAG: New York belongs to the state of New Jersey, is in north east of north america. When we were in Central Park, a tour guide told me that if I could translate a thing to their Spanish customers, he  wanted to explain to them that the New York’s flag was made and thanks to this guide could tell his story. The flag bearing the state seal on a blue background with two brackets: in the left the Statue of Liberty, which represents independence Kingdom of Great Britain, and in the right justice with scales and sword.
Carries the slogan “Excelsior” at the bottom, it is a Latin word.


If The United States were your home instead of Spain you would...

be 72.24% less likely to be unemployed
be 5 times more likely to be in prison
be 6.3 times more likely to be murdered
make 75.42% more money
spend 3.2 times more money on health care
use 2.3 times more electricity
consume 2 times more oil
be 85.29% more likely to die in infancy
have 6.94% less free time
experience 40.63% more of a class divide
be 50% more likely to have HIV/AIDS
die 1.91 years sooner
have 35.83% more babies


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